Monday, September 30, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified Foods Assignment #6 By Danish Ahmed 103323080 2633-2 Lauzon Road Windsor, ON. N8T 2Z5 (519)-251-1776 [email  protected] ca 26-100-91 Legebow December 6, 2010 2-2633 Lauzon Road Windsor, Ontario, N8T 2Z5 December 6, 2010 Chris Legebow Professor English Dept. University of Windsor Dear Prof. Legebow, I am writing to submit Assignment #6. Throughout my time enrolled in this course, I have learned many valuable lessons. However, the most important lesson that I have learned is how to be a better writer. By completing the various assignments in this course, particularly the substantiation assignment, I have learned how to better explain my opinions as well as support them. However, one of the major challenges that I faced in this course was properly citing my work. Since I have used a different style of citation throughout high school, it was difficult for me to adjust to the new citation rules at the university level. With regards to assignment six, I enjoyed completing this assignment. Part of the reason why I enjoyed it was that it was a topic that I really liked. However, the tricky part of the assignment, according to me, was coming up with facts to support the essay. Nevertheless, I believe that I did a pretty good job finding enough evidence to support the thesis. Overall, I was pretty satisfied with this course. Although I did not achieve the mark I desired, I still learned valuable lessons throughout the course of this subject. One specific quality that I liked about this course was the use of Turnitin. It was a very helpful tool which made handing in assignment very easy and convenient. Another aspect of the course that I really admired was the availability of the Catalyst. Due to its easy access, I was able to learn key skills to help strengthen my assignments. Last but not least, the use of peer review was very beneficial as well. It was a very unique tool to help students improve their essay. One thing that I do recommend for the future is to provide the students with a grading criteria. Often times, I was confused as to what I need to incorporate to ensure I receive the proper marks. Nevertheless, this is a very educational course and I highly recommend it to future students. I wish to thank you for reviewing my assignment. If you have any question please contact me at [email  protected] ca and (519)-251-1776 to reach you at. Sincerely, Danish Ahmed Student Number: 103323080 Business Administration DA ENCLOSURES: Assignment #6 COPY: FILE Genetically Modified Foods The release and use of genetically modified (GM) crops and GM-derived ingredients has caused debates in many parts of the world. Moreover, many experts, despite having conflicting views, share a good deal of common ground on certain features of the GM debate: in particular, the GM foods’ unknown long term effects. In other words, experts agree that many issues, like potential health, ecological, and economical hazards, concerning GM foods merit attention due to the current, uncertain results of GM food technology. GM crops come under the broad category of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and defined as organisms whose genetic information has been altered by DNA Recombinant Technology (a technique that allows the artificial combination of genetic material of different individuals) (Whitman 1). Although this scientific technique is fairly recent, it has, nevertheless, revolutionized the agricultural industry. Scientist are now able to produce new species of rice, maize, soy bean, corn and many other staple crops with resistance to drought, herbicides and many pests (Campbell and Reece 406). As such, it holds the potential to increase crop yield as fewer crops are destroyed due to environmental conditions. However, it was not until 1998 when GM crops’ initial drawbacks were realized. Genetically modified foods, including both raw crops and processed ingredients, impose serious health risks, both to humans and other organisms. Moreover, there is evidence that genetic modifications can trigger uncontrollable genetic interactions amongst the host genes, endangering many agricultural species. In August 1998 the first controversy was sparked, especially in Europe, by a report from a leading nutrition researcher, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, concerning the safety of GM foods. Pusztai claimed that GM food fed rats showed stunted growth and weak immune systems. His report, however, was greatly criticized and rejected by many scientists because of lack of substantial evidence (Pusztai 1). Nevertheless, the report opened up an area of contemplation. In May 2005, a report published by Monsanto, a leading biotech firm, confirmed differences in kidney sizes and blood composition of rats fed with GM corn (Lendman 1). Although these documented reports are limited to laboratory settings, the results do point to a possibility of health hazards in the long run. It is evident that GM foods require more research before they are safe for consumption because if the symptoms do arise, it will affect a wide range of consumers and the damage will be impossible to overcome. Apart from direct health hazards, there are concerns over the emergence of insecticide resistant weeds and pests because of GM foods (Weaver 160). Since certain species of GM crops are resistant to insecticides, they allow farmers to spray more chemicals in order to avoid weeds and pests from destroying their harvests. However, since all living organisms are biological entities subject to the natural processes of evolution and ecology, any insecticide designed to kill an organism adds selective pressure for resistance on that target organism. According to S. A Weaver and M. C. Morris of the Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics, this theoretical concern has been repeatedly demonstrated with the emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria in human medicine and in the evolution of resistance to chemical pesticides in agriculture (Weaver 161). There are over 500 species of insects known to be resistant to insecticides, and the numbers will steadily grow if not controlled (Bergman 1). Insecticide resistance poses severe effects to agriculture and health. If pests become resistant to conventional insecticides, more quantities of more powerful chemicals may have to be used. This increased use of insecticides will, in turn, increase chemical exposure on other forms of life in the surrounding area, including humans, and will have adverse effects on soil and water due to run offs (National Research Council 2). These effects are amplified in regions where GM crops are planted as GM crops, unlike conventional crops, do not absorb or breakdown any of these chemicals. As such, more chemicals are left over in active form. Nevertheless, the lives of humans and other organisms are endangered. Another potential health concern in using GM foods is the possibility of allergic reactions in humans due to the insertion of exotic genes into plants. This hazard came into notice in 1993 when Pioneer Hi-Bred International, another biotech firm, developed a soybean variety with an added gene from a Brazil nut. A study later done by the University of Nebraska revealed that the added gene could cause allergic reactions in humans (Leary 1). The second category of risks is that to the environment, especially by insecticide-resistant GM crops. Insecticide-resistant crops make up the largest segment of GM crops. According to statistics, nearly 81% of all GM crops harvested worldwide contained a gene for insecticide resistance (Sustainable Agricultural Network 3). Since all agricultural systems exist within an overall ecosystem, there is concern among scientists that numerous complex interrelationships amongst natural organisms can become disrupted by the introduction of GM crops. This concern became particularly important in a study done in the United Kingdom in May 2005 which proved that biodiversity was lower in fields with insecticide-resistant crops when compared to the conventional varieties (Weaver 169). The reason for the shocking results was attributed to the physical differences between insecticide resistant plants and conventional crops. Insecticide resistant plants have immunity to chemicals and pests because they produce a form of toxic protein called Bt protein (Weaver 160). During conventional insecticide spraying, only the above ground part of the plant is exposed to chemicals. However, in the case of insecticide resistant GM crops, toxin is present throughout the plant, even in the roots. When the GM crops are harvested, the remains of the roots release these Bt toxins. Thus, the concentration of toxins in the soil is increased, endangering even the beneficial organisms of the area. The effect of toxins expressed through GM crops is, therefore, of real concern. However, the biggest environmental concern associated with genetic modification is the inability to prevent exotic genetic material from transferring into the wild population. Many experts are concerned that the genes inserted into GM crops to increase their yield might transfer into weeds by complex genetic movement pathways (Pandey 1). This would cause the spread of â€Å"super weeds. † Such weeds will become immune to the chemicals normally used to control them, resulting in the use of stronger chemical controls (Randerson 1). The surrounding population of organisms, including humans, will inevitably be affected with increased toxicity in the environment. There is also a concern that insect resistance genes in GM plants may escape into the wild, leading to the more rapid development of resistance in insect populations, or to insect resistance in wild plants. Nevertheless, the delicate relationship that exists in the ecosystem will be disrupted, as the normal insect-plant relationship will be altered. Although these are one of the first instances of genetic transfer, scientists are now beginning to question GM foods’ implications on the environment. The third category of risks is that relating to economics. Despite increased yields, GM crops remain an economical concern, especially to the third world. This concern is highlighted by the development of a highly controversial genetically modified food technology – the terminator seed. The terminator seeds are genetically modified to produce plants that bear infertile seeds, which the biotech companies feel will reduce gene transfer into the wild (McDonagh 1). However, analysts feel these seeds could devastate small farmers everywhere and give multinational biotech companies an even stronger grip on world food production since terminator technology will force farmers to buy new seeds every season instead of reusing seeds from their crops (Mooney 1). Even if terminator technology is outlawed, GM crops will still not allow third world nations to compete with the developed countries in the area of agriculture. Since all of the major genetically modified seeds are patented by multinational biotech companies, the prices of these seeds are controlled by such corporations (Nestle 1). Struggling economies, whose major financial resources depend on agricultural exports, are unable to purchase these seeds. Moreover, conventional crops are no match to the increased harvests of GM crops. As such, most of the market share is owned by developed nations who harbour major biotech companies. Hence, the global economy is affected due to the sanctioning of GM foods. In conclusion, the concern about the genetic modification of food is an issue that involves complex area of study, like health, ecology and economics. The combination of theoretical knowledge and empirical data provided clearly outlines the associated risks of genetic modification of food/crops in the long run. Unlike conventional crops, GM crops are inherently unstable in expressing their genetic information and exhibit abnormal proteins which cause fatal allergic reactions and other health risks in humans and other organisms. Moreover, the genetic transfer of information from GM crops to the wild can promote the evolution of â€Å"super weeds† and insecticide resistant pests, causing disturbances in delicate ecological relationships and increased use of pesticides. Furthermore, the decision to release GM foods holds important economic concerns that must be addressed when assessing the risks of GM foods. The terminator seed technology as well as increased involvement of biotech corporations in the agriculture business can bring about changes in the global economy, some of which could be catastrophic for the developing nations. Works Cited Bergman, Jerry. Pesticide Resistance in Insects: Bad News for Macroevolution Theory. Association of Alberta. April 2004. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Campbell, Neil, and Jane Reece. Biology. San Francisco: Pearson, 2005. Print. Leary, Warren. Genetic Engineering of Crops Can Spread Allergies, Study Shows. New York Times. 14 March 1996. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Lendman, Stephen. Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods. Rense. 22 February 2008. Web. 28 Nov 2010. McDonagh, Sean. The Pros and Cons of GE Foods. Columban. 2003. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Mooney, Pat. Terminator Seeds Threaten an End to Farming. Third World Traveler. 1998. Web. 28 Nov 2010. National Research Council. Ecologically Based Pest Management: New Solutions for a New Century. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1996. Print. Nestle, Marion. One Company. Lots of Patented Seeds. Most of Your Food. The Daily Green. 12 March 2010. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Pandey, A. Genetically modified food: Its uses, future prospects and safety assessments. Science Alert. 21 October 2010. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Pusztai, Arpad. Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health?. ActionBioscience. June 2001. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Randerson, James. Genetically-modified Superweeds â€Å"not uncommon† . New Scientist. 5 February 2002. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Sustainable Agriculture Network. Clarification on the Prohibition of Genetically Modified Crops. Sustainable Agriculture Network. July 2008. Web. 28 Nov 2010. Weaver, Sean. â€Å"Risks associated with genetic modification: An annotated bibliography of peer reviewed natural science publications. † Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 18. 2 (2005):157-189. Print. Whitman, Deborah. Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?. ProQuest. April 2000. Web. 28 Nov 2010.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alibrandi essay Essay

In the movie Looking for Alibrandi, director Kate Woods uses many techniques to help you understand the main character, Josie. Some of these techniques are internal dialogue and voice-over narration, day-dream sequences and colour enhancement. All these techniques help viewers to have a better understanding of Josie’s character. The first technique that Woods uses that is very effective appears in an important part of the movie. Internal dialogue is used so that we can hear how Josie is feeling about the things she is going through. An example of this is in the opening scene when it is the Italian community’s â€Å"Tomato Day† and Italians get together to peel and stew tomatoes for tomato sauce. From voice-over narration we can hear Josie’s internal dialogue and understand that Josie doesn’t identify with this old-fashioned get together at all. We hear exactly what Josie thinks of it: â€Å"You might think this is all quirky and cute, but I find it really embarrassing. You would think we were still in Sicilly, but they left there 50 years ago†¦ I’ve got to get out of here! So therefore voice-over narration is a clever technique for helping viewers understand that Josie does not identify with her Italian-Australian heritage or the traditions they follow, and this is particularly useful in the opening scene because it explains what may lie at the heart of Josie’s challenges and conflicts to follow. The second technique used by the director to help us understand more about Josie is the day-dream sequence. Whenever Woods want the viewer to understand that Josie is having a day-dream the film is in slow motion and in sepia tones. An example of this is when Josie has a crush on John Barton, who is from a private boy’s school. She imagines herself standing beside John who is now the Premier of Australia and that she is Mrs Alibrandi-Barton. Cameras are snapping, tickertape is flying and reporters are wanting to speak to her. Another example of a day-dream sequence is when Josie is watching Carly, a very rich and spoiled daughter of a racist talk-back host, getting out of the car on the first day of school. We can tell its day-dream because suddenly Carly is walking very slowly and waving like a movie star. This scene shows us that Josie is very jealous of Carly because she is beautiful, rich and her family is friends with John’s. So therefore, Woods has helped viewers to understand that Josie has a strong imagination and how Josie feels about John Barton and Carly. Finally, Woods uses colour enhancement to help us understand more about Josie. This is when the director uses strong Sepia tonesto show us that Josie thinks what is happening is old-fashioned. At the very beginning of the opening scene viewers are presented with a panning shot of Josie’s Italian family busily making tomato sauce. We are given the impression that this is set some time in the past. When Josie starts talking the colour changes to full colour. From this technique we learn that Josie doesn’t regard ‘Tomato Day’ as part of her world, or the world of modern Australia. So therefore Woods’ use of strong sepia tonings right at the beginning of the opening scene helped us understand that Josie was straining against expressions of her Italian-Australian heritage. In the closing scene it is â€Å"Tomato Day† again but the whole thing is filmed in full-colour with Josie taking part in the stirring and dancing with Nona. Instead of escaping to the beach, she invites her friends in. This helps us understand that by the end of the movie, Josie is comfortable with her Italian-Australia heritage and has therefore overcome some major personal conflicts about her identity. In conclusion, in the movie Looking for Alibrandi, director Kate Woods was able to help viewers understand main character Josie’s opinions and conflicts through the verbal techniques of internal dialogue and voice-over narration, and visual techniques of day-dream sequences and strong sepia tones. The dialogue allowed us to understand what Josie was thinking and it lets you get into the frame of mind of the leading character of the movie. Day-dream sequences were important because they disclosed Josie’s fears and hopes for the future while strong sepia colour helped us to know that Josie thought that her family was old-fashioned.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Microeconomic Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microeconomic Economic - Essay Example Prioritizing needs help in determining which needs can be satisfied first within the limited budget by postponing the less important ones. At a national level, the budgeting activities help in putting the government’s revenues into adequate spending areas. These are then broken down into provincial and state budgets making the allocation more precise and directed, increasing the chances of more effective use. The phenomenon of demand and supply and their effect on price determine the feasibility of each transaction in one’s personal life. By understanding the basic laws of demand and supply, I understand that the goods in demand are likely to be high priced when in season and vice versa. This helps me make smarter decisions in the day to day life. For example appliances like air conditioners are likely to be on discounted deals in winters, making it feasible for me to purchase one in winters instead of in summers. Similarly, shopping for jackets in summers helps me save a bundle on shopping for the same apparel in season. When the price affects the demand level, this is known as elastic demand. Similarly the goods whose demand is not affected by slight change in price are called inelastic. In my daily life i come across many goods that I can do without and pursue cheaper alternatives. However, being loyal to a couple of brands, I give price moderate weightage in the whole buying transaction. On the other hand, the evident inflation for necessities reflects the masses helplessness and constant demand no matter how much the prices fluctuate. Opportunity cost refers to the cost of letting one alternative go for the opting of the other. This implies prioritization and weighing the loss against the gain of each alternative. For example, the choice of working professionally instead of studying further or comparing the pros

Friday, September 27, 2019

Writing Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing Assignment #2 - Essay Example While carrying out pricing seven major steps are followed. They are development of marketing approach, making marketing mix decisions, estimation of the demand curve, cost calculation, understanding environmental factors, pricing objectives being set and determination of pricing. Pricing strategy matters because if the prices are wrong business will fail. Companies carry out different price strategies depending on what the market will bear and make a reasonable profit. Examples price skimming this is sometimes used when a new product is being introduced particularly when it is a new technology. The objective of price skimming is to set a high price that helps to recover the costs of production and advertising (Suttle & Media). Penetration pricing this is used to set low prices early to attract lots of customers. A company will make an effort to produce high quality products and offer the best customer service inorder to retain their customers. This method is used to increase market share or the percentage of total sales it holds in the market. Return on investment pricing strategy, the company might spend lots of time analyzing costs that will be used to make the product and projecting sales figures. Geographical pricing strategy, the company sets higher prices in certain markets (Suttle & Media). In conclusion oligopoly is a market structure that is majorly a small number of moderately large firms that dominate an industry. Which affects promotion, it plays a major role in pricing. Pricing affects the customer in positively and at times

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Main Difference between Wage Rate for Teacher and Sportsman Assignment - 4

The Main Difference between Wage Rate for Teacher and Sportsman - Assignment Example The current US federal minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour, which was set in 2009. If the minimum wage rate is increased from $7.25 to $7.50 per hour, it will be good for the minimum wage workers. Increased wages will help minimum wage workers live a better standard life and will ultimately result in increased business productivity for the companies. At present, very few people go into the profession of teaching because people do not consider it a very good profession because of low wages. However, if the government equals the wages of teachers and business personnel, more people will try to join the profession of teaching because teaching is comparatively easier to do and requires less time than business. It will destabilize the economic progress of the country. If there will be no limit, more and more people will want to join the profession of lawyers because of attractive salary packages. In this case, other professions will be affected. Moreover, practicing lawyers will not want a large number of new lawyers to become a threat to their jobs. Therefore, they limit the entry of new layers in the profession of law. Considering the change in the total revenue resulting from the quantity and quality of the output produced by Michael Jordan, the amount given to the player was fair because he served his club very well during the whole season. Increase in wages will make the employees do more for their companies. When the employees will receive higher wages, they will definitely work hard with full dedication and commitment increasing their overall productivity and output. According to the output effect, a decrease in the wage rate will decrease production costs, so the price of final goods will decrease. The number of final goods produced will decrease, so the demand for labor will increase.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Website Project Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Website Project Report - Coursework Example On the other hand, this technology, similar to any other software or tool, is simply a technology that depends upon companies how they get advantages by implementing this technology. The e-business facilitates companies to catch the attention of new customers, offer enhanced services to presented ones, correspond to the customers using more useful and specialized ways, gather information about customer’s choices as well as retrieve it swiftly, and perform transactions more efficiently. Additionally, many firms have attempted to make use of the e-business as a remarkable way much more than it actually is. In this scenario, companies as well as individuals create their whole business online, considering that by some means this would differentiate them from other businesses or firms. On the other hand, most of these types of companies fail. This project report is about the presentation, planning, and coordination of a new business idea. This report will present a detailed and com prehensive analysis of a new business idea launched by the AMAL. This new business will be an online Jewellery shop that will offer its customers a high-tech approach to shop and search desired Jewellery products online. Lots of businesses having an online presence are devoted to redevelop and enhance their sales to increase their profit margins. Additionally, the effective media coverage helps companies build up a reputation in the society as well as get more customers. In addition, the firms that cater the requirements of journalists are more probable to obtain regular coverage as well as diminish the potential for errors in published stories. Moreover, online press rooms provide hubs to the journalists, which present the background information, latest news and visual elements to help them recognize products and services. Thus, to enhance an online business, companies are trying to develop and use the online

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 97

Summary - Essay Example The Home, which was located in the heart of Victoria, was regarded as the safe haven for Chinese prostitutes and other Chinese females who were thought to be at risk of falling into prostitution but later open door for Japanese women and children. This was intended to protect Asian women from being transformed by the by the missionaries. The white women largely influenced the behaviors and attitude of the Asian women especially in areas of marriage and domesticity. There were several issues that triggered the transformation and the white domesticity especially through the enactment of racial and gendered performances. The article also explains a high profile kidnapping that involved a cross racial encounters as well as policing and gendered boundaries in an unsanctioned cross-racial contact. It is apparent that discourses of domesticity and Christian related marriage largely contributed to the kidnapping. The police and other responsible institution did not do proper investigation concerning the issue of kidnapping and this became a major scandal that affected the Home. The Home enabled careful management and intimate cross-cultural contact that triggered racial constructions of the period in British Columbia. Menzie who was a suspect in the kidnapping saga contaminated the white community. The state of marriage and the intermixing Chinese and European populations were greatly affected by the incidences between the two groups. It is therefore worth noting that the Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home acted as a domestic space and the women’s moral authority was used to allow the various practices that took place. Marriage, for instance, was considered significant and acted as part of women’s domain as far as Christianity is concerned. People who ran the Home greatly contributed to various racial discourses and the article shows how moral entrepreneurs operated in difficult ways. The entrepreneurs

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mental and Physical Problems Stemming From Childhood Obesity Research Paper - 1

Mental and Physical Problems Stemming From Childhood Obesity - Research Paper Example According to Pretlow (2010), childhood obesity is caused by the imbalance between the calorie intake and calorie utilized (p. 1). Changing life styles, life philosophies and eating habits are causing this problem. Many of the modern children consider eating as a recreational activity. They are not much interested in researching the ingredients of the food while taking food from fast food outlets and restaurants. Instead of nutrients, taste is the primary factor considered by the modern children while taking foods. At the same time, modern generation is less interested in physical workouts even though they are taking excessive fatty and sweetly foods. Thus excess calories acquired through food get deposited or accumulate in the body as fat which will create problems in the life of the child at present as well as in the future. Karnik & Kanekar pointed out that â€Å"Lack of playtime, little or no physical education at schools, videogames and excessive TV viewing time are proposed as the major cause of the childhood obesity epidemic† (Karnik & Kanekar, p. 4). Obese children may not be able to socialize properly with peers. They often undergo bullying and teasing from the fellow students. So, they will try to limit their activities in front of computers or television sets. They may not go out and play with the peers because of the fear of teasing and harassment. Many children have the habit of taking shelter in eating to avoid frustrations generated out of obesity related problems. Overeating may increase the obesity related problems further. Modern researches have shown that childhood obesity may cause physical and mental problems in the current life of the child as well as in the future life of the child. Physical health problems such as overweight, high blood pressure, cholesterol, coronary problems, diabetes, thyroid etc and mental problems such as lack of self-esteem,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Addiction and the Aging Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Addiction and the Aging - Term Paper Example Challenges which professionals face in relation to these addictions shall also be presented in this paper. The management of such addictions shall also be considered for this paper, especially in relation to support and sober living facilities for the elderly. There are different types of addiction which are currently manifesting in the elderly population. Since the 1990s, experts have noted the rise of alcohol abuse among the older adults – the group which they refer to as the â€Å"hidden population† (Smith). They highlight the fact that among older adults, about 1.1 and 2.3 million citizens use alcohol in order to relieve their loneliness and their anxiety. The greater issue with this problem stems down from the fact that it is not given as much attention by the medical community. As a result, alcohol addiction among the elderly is rising and is not being addressed as a health issue. Consequently, studies point out that as much as 10% to 15% of health issues among elderly adults are actually attributed to alcohol abuse (Smith). It is also a difficult disorder to detect among elderly adults because it mimics other conditions which usually manifest in the elderly population. These conditions and symptoms may include joint a ches and pains, insomnia, loss of sex drive, depression, loss of memory, and anxiety (Smith). Many elderly adults also live isolated lives and have limited opportunities for socialization; as a result, their issue is often not noticed until it has turned into an addiction. Even then, it is difficult to undergo the process of rehabilitation among older adults because of their unwillingness to cooperate and because of their attitude against change (Smith). The fact that society is more likely to ignore the issue among older adults also exacerbates this problem. Drug abuse is also one of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

English society and lifestyles Essay Example for Free

English society and lifestyles Essay He also demonstrates his strength by bending a fire poker in half, this proves that he is dangerous and willing to go to any length to get what he wants. Because of his butch, scary description in the first part of the story, he may come across and un-educated. He is actually very cunning, he thinks of all the fake things in his room, these lead to the deaths. He is very clever, even Holmes addresses him as cunning. Jabez Wilson Jabex Wilson is a character in the story the red headed league he is the owner of a local pawnshop, he is given a false job in the story. The fake job he is given, although simple pays very good money, he takes the job and leaves his partner in charge of his pawn shop, him taking the job shows that, like anybody in Victorian England, he would do anything for money, he also took on his assistant , Vincent spaldling, because he offered to come at half wages. Vincent Spalding Vincent Spalding is the character of Wilsons assistant in the red headed league. He tricks Wilson into leaving him the shop so that he can dig to a nearby bank. He is actually john clay in disguise, john clay is a famous bank robber who is wanted by the police. he is very cunning with the way he works, he fixed a fake advertisement, fake job, fake identity all for one job, this in some ways shows that he has determination and devotion to what he does. The place of servants The place of servants throughout these stories, is not very obvious. in the speckled band the manor house in which Helen Stoner and Dr Roylott live, is said to have a room for the maid. this shows that housing was provided for servants. It shows that although there is a definite hierarchy between master and servant, considerations are made on the part of food, and housing. The role of women In the three stories which I studied the role of women varies, in the man with the twisted lip Mrs. St Clare comes across as the type of woman that stays in and cooks and cleans at her husbands demands, she has dinner for him at his arrival home in the evening and doesnt ask where his money comes from or what he does, she just accepts that it is money. Whereas is the speckled band Helen Stoner is much more independent of her self, she rides on the train and dog cart in the early hours of the morning without permission, she tries to find out for herself the cause of her sisters death and seeks out her own help even though she is fully aware of her stepfathers capabilities. The nature of Law and Order Compared to real Victorian England the police in the stories come across as very laid back, in the red headed league they are fully aware of the happenings and still offer to make all of it disappear even though it is a very large investigation, and is very important. Although the police are satisfactory to the community, Holmes always seems to outsmart them, as it were, always get there first. But yet he is not a part of the police service, he isnt running a private service for money because he only asks for the expenses to be paid. this shows his devotion to the service and how he doesnt do it for the money. Transport and communications The transport in the stories is quite modern in some parts, in the speckled band, Helen stoner uses a train to reach Holmes, this shows that train run at all hours, because she was traveling at early hours of the morning. She also used a dog cart or horse and carriage. Communication was not really mentioned in the stories but telephones are mentioned a few times, this shows more than telegram communication is used . Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Challenges of Health Promotion

Challenges of Health Promotion There is a very diverse range of the meaning of health between different groups of people. How a person will define what health means to them will depend on a number of factors. Arguably the most influential of these factors are; age, sex, socio-economic status, social class, location and culture. It is now recognised that there are 5 distinct dimensions of health; physical, emotional, spiritual, social and mental. The World Health Organisation (1948) defined health as as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Kelleher (1991) says that for some people being healthy means being happy, for others it may be an expectation of living for a long time, while others may see it as an exclusion of illness. These definitions of health may be influenced by personal experience of illness, however some may see it as simply just being able to cope and go about their daily lives without interference. Generally the most dominant definition of health is merely seen as an absence of illness, often described as a negative definition. Downie et al (1990) say that negative definitions of health can be linked to perceptions of what is abnormal, unwanted or incapacitating. Age is a very important factor in determining how someone defines health, as those of a younger age group will mainly focus on the physical aspects of health such as fitness and diet. Generally however, as people age they place more emphasis on the emotional and spiritual aspects of health. This shows that social factors are a very big determinant of how someone will define health. A lot of podiatry work involves working with various people to improve their health for example keeping them mobile and alleviate painful symptoms due to some form of fraility, illness or disability. This may include short term treatments or long term care may be required. The definition of health has also changed over time, for example the Ancient Greeks believed that illness was caused by an imbalance in the humours (bodily fluids). In contrast in Victorian times, illness was seen as the will of God, a more spiritual take on the concept of health. There are three models relating to the concept of health; the Biomedical model emphasises health in terms of biological processes of the body. In contrast the Social model of health asserts that in addition to physical dimensions of health, other dimensions must be considered including the persons social and economic circumstances. It considered the person as a whole living within a social context (Blaxter 2004). The Biopsychosocial model takes the aspects of the previous two models and combines them. It is the dynamic interaction of biological, psychological, and social influences of health, however it focuses more on the individual rather than the social structures surrounding them. In the 1800s and 1900s the focus was on the provision of a healthy environment which included adequate housing and sanitation and the provision of safe food and water. With developments in medical science the emphasis has shifted to preventative medical services e.g. vaccines, immunisation and encouraging people to make healthy choices. This reflects the shift from communical diseases to lifestyle related diseases e.g. cancer. There are two approaches to health promotion: a preventative approach and an empowerment approach. Glanz, Rimer Lewis (2002) assert that the central concern of health education is health behaviour. This means that peoples lifestyles play a significant role in the development and management of disease and through various measures we can encourage people to make healthy choices. In 1975 Marc Lalonde published a report entitled A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians in which he argued there are 4 main causes of illness, namely: Inadequacies in current health services, lifestyle or behavioural factors, environmental pollution and physical characteristics. The Ottawa Charter (1986) outlines the five principal elements of health promotion as; Conducive public policy, supportive environments, community participation, personal skills and the reorientation of health services to allow people to make well informed, healthy choices. Conducive policy refers to the importance of Government policy in general, and not just in health policy, in promoting health. The second element is the provision of supportive environments. This refers to the importance of having healthy physical environments such as in the home, at school, work and in public places. The community participation element of health promotion consists of involving communities and special interest groups, e.g. the elderly, women, people with disabilities and travellers, in identifying their own health needs and developing services appropriate to these needs. The final element of health promotion is the reorientation of health services towards services which are concerned with health promotion, protection and disease prevention. This involves shifting the emphasis in health services to primary health care e.g. providing screening services and health checks within a community. Ewles and Simnett (1999) list the following activities that could be seen as health promotion practices; Mass media advertising, campaigns on health issues, patient education, self-help groups environmental safety measures, public policy issues, health education about physical health, preventative medical procedures, codes of practice on health issues, health enhancing facilities in local communities, workplace health policies and health and social education for young people in schools. Ewles and Simnett (2003) also identify approaches to health promotion. These all flow from a particular set of aims which hope to be achieved. They emphasise that no one aim or approach to health promotion is right but that it is important for us, as health care workers to consider which is appropriate for us, and relevant to our work. However one of the most important factors is educating people, to allow them to make informed, healthy choices. The first of approaches is medical or preventitive. The aim of this approach is to gain freedom from medically defined disease and disability e.g. cancer. This could be achieved through screening, immunisation and early detection. This approach has been highly successful but tends to reinforce a negative definition of health.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Claudius of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakespeare Hamlet

Claudius of Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   A close second in nobility to the protagonist in Shakespeare’s Hamlet is the incredible King Claudius. His superior qualities render him a worthy antagonist capable of a plummeting downfall at the climax.    G. Wilson Knight in "The Embassy of Death" interprets the character of Claudius:    Claudius, as he appears in the play, is not a criminal. He is - strange as it may seem - a good and gentle king, enmeshed by the chain of causality linking him with his crime. And this chain he might, perhaps, have broken except for Hamlet, and all would have been well. But, granted the presence of Hamlet - which Claudius at first genuinely desired, persuading him not to return to Wittenberg as he wished - and granted the fact of his original crime which cannot now be altered, Claudius cannot now be blamed for his later actions. They are forced on him. As King, he could scarcely be expected to do otherwise. (n. pag.)    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his uncle’s accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in â€Å"Hamlet† discusses Claudius’ sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I:    A strong new king was immediately needed; the election of Claudius, particularly in the absence of Hamlet, was inevitable. What is more, it was immediately justified, because Claudius manages to dispel the threat of invasion by appealing to the King of Norway to curb his nephew, Fortinbras; the ambitious young soldier was the more ready to cancel the projected invasion because the object of his revenge, Hamlet’s father, was now dead, and in ret... .../ham1-col.htm    Faucit, Helena (Lady Martin). On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. 6th ed. London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1899.    Jorgensen, Paul A. â€Å"Hamlet.† William Shakespeare: the Tragedies. Boston: Twayne Publ., 1985. N. pag.    Knight, G. Wilson. "The Embassy of Death." The Wheel of Fire. London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., 1954. p. 38-39. N. pag.    Mack, Maynard. â€Å"The World of Hamlet.† Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.      

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jane Eyre :: essays papers

Jane Eyre Jane’s arrival at the Thornfield Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre displays three types of relationships possessing different purposes. These connections are established at Thornfield after Jane becomes a governess and accepts the position at the estate. The first relationship is the one that forms between Mrs.Fairfax, the housekeeper, and Jane. Another relationship that begins upon arrival at Thornfield is the one that Jane possesses with Adele, her pupil. The last and most important relationship that begins is that of Mr. Rochester and herself. These connections contribute to the crucial development of Jane’s persona. The first relationship Jane is susceptible to is the one established between her and Mrs. Fairfax. Jane believes Mrs. Fairfax to be quite generous host because at first Jane has the notion that Mrs.Fairfax is the owner. She then discovers that she is the housekeeper. She feels better knowing that the kind behavior exhibited is not unusual because Mrs.Fairfax is but the housekeeper and not the owner. Jane feels better knowing that she can act more comfortably. Jane feels satisfaction as the housekeeper tells her how content she is now that she has a companion that is worthy to participate in discussion. She believes the other servants can not hold a conversation very well. Mrs. Fairfax’s predictable kindness allows Jane to feel more at ease with her. In a way it can be seen that Mrs.Fairfax serves almost as a mother figure to Jane. Another relationship that I noticed is the unique one that is shared between Adele and Jane. Adele is presented as the spoiled pupil who although quite the fidgety, loquacious child wins a portion of Jane’s heart. The relationship that is formed due to the large amount of time spent together is one that happens not only because of fondness but it is one that is inevitable. The bond begins to take on the appearance of a mother daughter relationship because Jane controls Adele’s actions (or tries) and Adele seems very attached to Jane. The odd relationship that takes shape between Mr.Rochester and Jane is one that becomes serious gradually. It seems to give Jane pleasure that Mr.Rochester believes her to be of intelligence that is peculiar for a schoolgirl. The bluntness that they share in a way shows flirtation between the characters but then the way that Rochester refers to Jane as little friend shows him as a type of father-like portrait. Jane Eyre :: essays papers Jane Eyre Jane’s arrival at the Thornfield Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre displays three types of relationships possessing different purposes. These connections are established at Thornfield after Jane becomes a governess and accepts the position at the estate. The first relationship is the one that forms between Mrs.Fairfax, the housekeeper, and Jane. Another relationship that begins upon arrival at Thornfield is the one that Jane possesses with Adele, her pupil. The last and most important relationship that begins is that of Mr. Rochester and herself. These connections contribute to the crucial development of Jane’s persona. The first relationship Jane is susceptible to is the one established between her and Mrs. Fairfax. Jane believes Mrs. Fairfax to be quite generous host because at first Jane has the notion that Mrs.Fairfax is the owner. She then discovers that she is the housekeeper. She feels better knowing that the kind behavior exhibited is not unusual because Mrs.Fairfax is but the housekeeper and not the owner. Jane feels better knowing that she can act more comfortably. Jane feels satisfaction as the housekeeper tells her how content she is now that she has a companion that is worthy to participate in discussion. She believes the other servants can not hold a conversation very well. Mrs. Fairfax’s predictable kindness allows Jane to feel more at ease with her. In a way it can be seen that Mrs.Fairfax serves almost as a mother figure to Jane. Another relationship that I noticed is the unique one that is shared between Adele and Jane. Adele is presented as the spoiled pupil who although quite the fidgety, loquacious child wins a portion of Jane’s heart. The relationship that is formed due to the large amount of time spent together is one that happens not only because of fondness but it is one that is inevitable. The bond begins to take on the appearance of a mother daughter relationship because Jane controls Adele’s actions (or tries) and Adele seems very attached to Jane. The odd relationship that takes shape between Mr.Rochester and Jane is one that becomes serious gradually. It seems to give Jane pleasure that Mr.Rochester believes her to be of intelligence that is peculiar for a schoolgirl. The bluntness that they share in a way shows flirtation between the characters but then the way that Rochester refers to Jane as little friend shows him as a type of father-like portrait.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dorothea Lange :: essays research papers

Dorothea Lange was born in 1895 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Her family had come from Germany to the United States as immigrants. When Dorothea was seven years old, she suffered from polio. In 1907, her father left her family. And soon, her mother became an alcoholic. Dorothea was lonely in high school until she began studying photography.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the age of twenty-three, Dorothea left home, and in 1918, began an around the world trip. She taught Ron Partridge photography and people started calling him her “assistant.'; Ron Partridge recalls that she was very determined not to stop her work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dorothea Lange is best known for her work during the Great Depression. Other things she photographed were children, ships, the Depression, and many others. She also photographed Mormon communities. During her years in photography, she traveled to Asia, South America, Egypt, and India.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She married Maynard Dixon in 1920. Her marriage lasted fifteen years and in 1935 she divorced him. However, while on assignment in New Mexico, she remarried to Paul Taylor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1939, she began her first major project. Later, she worked for the Farm Security Administration. However, much conflict arose and in 1940 she was dismissed for the last time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1950’s and 60’s Dorotheas’s husband, Paul, spent six months photographing developing countries and Asia. Dorothea began having reoccurring ulcers. She was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. When she was in the Near East she caught malaria.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ansel Adams described her as a difficult woman who was opinionated, impatient, and willful. A woman who defied the social gender expectations. Her last project was entitled, “Dorothea Lange Looks at the American Country Woman.';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dorothea can definitely be described as someone who stood up for women and knew that women could do anything anyone else could do.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Selecting a Topic and Brainstroming Worksheet

Associate Program Material Appendix D Selecting a Topic and Brainstorming Worksheet Complete the following and post as an attachment. |What two objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to |Paperback/Hardcover books vs. eBooks. | |compare and/or contrast? | | |What are the similarities between the two objects, people, |They both contain stories and information you can read. | |subjects, or concepts?List as many similarities that you can | | |think of. | | |What are the differences between the two objects, people, |Paperback/Hardcover books are something that the reader can | |subjects, or concepts? List as many differences that you can |physically hold, while eBooks are used on computers, tablets, or | |think of. |other hand-held devices. | |Are you going to focus on similarities, differences, or both? | |Explain your rationale. |Both. I want to inform readers on the advantages, disadvantages, | | |and similarities of traditional books vs. eBooks. | |What do you want your readers to learn and understand after |I want to inform readers on the advantages and disadvantages of | |reading your essay? What is the purpose of your essay? |traditional books vs. eBooks. |What 3 parallel points of comparison and/or contrast will you |I will compare and contrast the connection the reader will be | |address in your essay? For example, if you were going to compare |able to make with a physical book vs. that of an eBook, the | |and contrast two teachers, your parallel points might be |differences in accessibility, and prices. | |teacher’s homework policy, teacher’s classroom conduct policy, | | |and teacher’s demeanor. | |Explain why this is an appropriate and workable topic selection | | |for the final assignment. | | | |Many people in the recent years have been using eBooks as opposed| | |to traditional books due to the â€Å"dependency† of technology. |

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Health and Safety Roles Essay

Prepare to discuss the differences in the roles and responsibilities of the manager, employer, employee and owner of an organisation of your choice in respect of health and safety. Note: it is essential that you identify the differences and similarities between these roles / titles) Suggested sources: HSE SUCCESSFUL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT HMSO HSE website Any Health and Safety Book FORBES Cruise ships, as well as all vessels plying the Navigable waters of the world are subject to strict Maritime Rules and regulations including, Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations, Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW), The International Safety Management (ISM) rules, and most importantly, the Rule of the Sea whereby the Master and officers and crew never abandon the ship until all passengers and crew are accounted for, and everything possible has been done to save them. HSE.GOV HSE Executive Responsibilities The Executive: †¢ensures that a member of the Executive is available for out-of-hours notifications of major incidents †¢decides if the incident should be categorised as ‘major’ by consulting with relevant head(s) of Division/Directorate, the Chair of the HSC, the Commission and Ministers, as appropriate, on the nature of the incident and the proposed action When considering whether to declare a major incident, the Executive will consider the following points: †¢the significance of the event †¢any separate investigations by other regulatory bodies †¢the involvement of other regulatory bodies in the investigation †¢the  effect of the investigation on HSE as a whole and the Directorate’s/Division’s programme of work †¢the concerns of the Commission, ministers, other government departments, devolved administrations and regulatory bodies. Once a major incident is declared, the Executive: †¢agrees which of the major incident arrangements should be invoked for the investigation – in the case of a HSWA Section 14(2)(a) investigation, in conjunction with the HSC Chair †¢decides the scope of the investigation appropriate to the scale and complexity of the incident †¢determines whether a policy and procedure review should take place & its timing, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, and sets the terms of reference – in the case of a HSWA Section 14(2)(a) investigation, in conjunction with the HSC Chair †¢ensures that contact with the Secretariat and all members of the Executive is maintained during the response to the major incident †¢monitors and as necessary approves briefing for the Commission Chair, the Commission and Ministers †¢oversees the investigation and any policy and procedure review process, altering the terms of reference of the investigation/review process if appropriate †¢approves publication of t he reportfollowing a major incident investigation and considers whether to publish interim technical reports if broader health and safety lessons emerge †¢agrees decisions on the timing of the release of information to the public. †¢considers the policy and procedure review report and ensures that any appropriate response to the recommendations is taken. The office safety company †¢The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 †¢Requires employers to be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of workers and for reducing risks to others affected by work activities. †¢Health and safety functions should be delegated and health and safety risk management legally requires the active participation of the company’s workers. However the legal responsibility for health and safety rests with the employer. †¢Employers need to prepare, and make sure their workers know about, a written statement of the health and safety policy and the  arrangements in place to put it into effect. †¢Where a ‘body corporate’ commits a health and safety offence, and the offence was committed with the consent or connivance of, or was attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, then that person (as well as the body corporate) is liable to be proceeded against and punished. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 These regulations include requirements for employers to: †¢Assess the work-related risks faced by employees, and by people not in their employment †¢Have effective arrangements in place for planning, organising, controlling, monitoring and reviewing preventive and protective measures †¢Appoint one or more competent persons to help in undertaking the measures needed to comply with health and safety law †¢Provide employees with comprehensible and relevant information on the risks they face and the preventive and protective measures that control those risks HSE.GOV Most employers are required by the law to insure against liability for injury or disease to their employees arising out of their employment. This guide is intended to help you to understand what is required. It is not a legal interpretation of the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act and it has no formal legal status. You should be aware that only the courts can authoritatively interpret the law. Compare safety officer and Captain Safety Officer In this role you delegate and oversee safety drills. The safety drills include abandon ship procedures, fire drills and maintenance of the ship’s tenders. In addition this role is responsible for instructing the crew on safety issues and drills. Responsibilities: †¢he Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe situations and developing measures to assure personnel safety. †¢The Safety Officer will correct unsafe acts or conditions through the regular line of authority, although the †¢Safety Officer may exercise emergency authority to prevent or stop unsafe acts when immediateaction is required. †¢The Safety Officer maintains awareness of active and developing situations. †¢The Safety Officer ensures the Site Safety and Health Plan is prepared and implemented. †¢The Safety Officer ensures there are safety messages in each Incident Action Plan. Captain – must have liability insurance The Captain is the highest ranking officer on the ship with the most perks, it definitely pays to be Captain. However, this title comes with a lot of responsibility such as the care of all the crew and passengers aboard the ship. In cases of emergency the Captain makes all executive decisions. Additionally, the Captain is in charge of navigation and operations. Regulates company policies, environmental policies such as pollution effects as well as national and international maritime laws †¢The captain’s first duty is become the leader of their ship. They are trusted and respected among their peers because they are chosen as the leader of their ship. †¢On a ship, the captain is the highest rank you can get. Think of them as the President of their ship. They have to keep the crew safe and make life-or-death decisions that can affect everyone on the ship.

Explain the principle psychological perspective Essay

Behaviourist A perspective means a way of seeing things. Behaviourist is the first approach in this criterion. Behaviourist is the study of human minds, they study behaviour. The behaviourist sees the brain as a black box, this is because as they study animals it is easy to experiment, and they think that humans and animals are similar. The behaviourist wanted to become scientist, which is why they carried out the experiment. Although JB Watson (1887) was the founder of this theorist he studied the work of Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936). Pavlov did an experiment once on a dog. The dog salivated every time Pavlov came to the lab with the food. The dog then started associating the time, the bell and the brown coat. This kind of association is called classic conditioning. JB Watson also once experimented on a little boy called Albert. JB Watson taught Albert to have fear of the rats. Albert had a white fluffy rabbit. One day a white rat came pass Albert, but Albert did not seem to be frightened. JB Watson stood behind Albert’s back with metals. Every time the rat went pass JB banged the metals and Albert was startled, JB did this couple of times until Albert was scared of the rat, however Albert was not only scared of the white rat, it was also scared of his white fluffy rabbit as them to animals has the same colour. BF Skinner was also another behaviourist theorist, he did an experiment on a rat in a cage, he put some food on the food pallet for the rat, the rat accidently put its foot on the lever and food came out. So the rat did this few time and knew that if the rat puts the foot on the lever food would come out, this type of experiment was positive reinforcement. On the opposite Skinner experimented on the negative reinforcement. Skinner investigated this by giving the rat a small electric shock whenever it pressed the lever. The consequence of lever pressing was experienced as unpleasant, so the rat learnt to stop pressing the lever. Psycho dynamic Freud ( 1856-1939) and Erikson(1902-194) are two men who came up with the psycho dynamic theory. Freud said that we humans are like animals driven by basic biological natures. He came up with the psyche idea. He said that the psyche idea had three stages, ID means the basic animal instinct, for example, eating sleeping and reproducing, SUPER EGO means morality and EGO means reality and logic. It is said that Freud was the earliest thinkers to bring public attention the idea that us humans are not always aware of some aspects in our lives. He believed that we lock up memories that we do not want to remember or feeling that we do not want to expose somewhere in our brains. He referred consciousness to a tip of an iceberg. He referred pre consciousness at the middle of the ice berg and he also referred unconsciousness as at the bottom of the iceberg. He also came up with defence mechanisms. He knew that when people do not want to remember things, they want to deny it. This mechanism has five stages. Denial is when a person reject the thought or feeling, repression is when we push down the bad memories to the unconsciousness however it could leak at some points. Projection is when a person pushes the social unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone else. Rationalisation means making excuses and lastly sublimation is putting all the energies onto something else. Freud also came up with the early experience; he came up with this idea which has five stages. Oral means mouth, anal means anus, phallic is a Latin word for penis, latent which means resting and genital which means private parts. Erikson agrees with Freud however he thought that this continues throughout our life time and were essentially social in nature. Social Learning Theory The theorist of social learning theory is bandura. He is said to be sympathetic towards behaviourist. Although bandura does not criticize, he tells the behaviourist to build up to it. Bandura agrees with the positive reinforcement. Albert bandura said that leaning takes place in social situations, such as in the family or with friends and other people. How Skinner came up with positive reinforcement, Albert came up with vicarious reinforcement, this means when people observe and get affected. For example, Barbara is good to her mother and the father praises her, her sister is observing it but she gets affected by how she is getting treated by her parents, Barbara’s sister was vicariously reinforced. The other idea bandura came up with was role model and modelling. The people we learn from are our role model but the process of imitating the person is called modelling. Modelling has five stages, attention, which is when a person is attracted to a celebrity or a person they reall y like. Retention is when the person is keeping the likeness inside them, reproduction is when he person copies the behaviour, motivation is when the person is tempted to do what the celebrity does and lastly self efficacy is when the person is confident in one area. It is said that we do not imitate all behaviour we observe and remember. Humanistic This approach has been found by two theorist called Carl Rogers (1902-1987) and Abraham Maslow. Carl Rogers (1902-1087) theory is based on clinic and it is also based on the years he has been dealing with different clients with different problems. Rogers sees people as good and he thinks that â€Å"good mental health is a natural progression of human development†. This quote shows that he is stating that human being instinctively know what is bad and what is not. Rogers came up with an idea of an actualisation theory. This is the natural motivation that every human being has. For example, we as human beings try to do very risky things, such as flying to the moon. Some of our hobbies is to create music and paint pictures, we do all because we want to be the best we can, achieve and become successful in the future. He also came up with the idea of unconditional positive regard; he said that this is when people like you, because of who you are regardless of your performances and conformity. The opposite of this is conditional positive regard, which simply explains when someone likes you if their expectations are fulfilled. In other words, Rogers believed that some of the people feel wanted and belonged when they fulfilled other people’s expectations and that is when they develop conditional self regard. Cognitive Approach Cognitive approach is found by three theorist, Jean Piaget, Kelly and beck/Ellis. With the invention of computers and other aids brain activities was like the operation of a computer. Loads of researches have been devoted to understand the process of cognitive, such as attention, memory information processing and problem solving. Jean Piaget came up with an idea related to how people develop throughout their lives. He came to a conclusion that cognition develops through a series of stages. There are four stages that Piaget has mentioned in the theory. The first stage is called the sensory motor, it means that babies from 0 to 2 are experiencing through motor and the sense. stage 2 is the pre operational, this is when children from 2 to 7 develop languages along with the memory, stage 3 is the concrete operational which means that the child can now understand conservations but cannot solve problems yet. The last stage is the formal stage, this is when the children can abstract thought s and present problems of their own and other people. Biological Approach The theorist of this theory is called Arnold Gessel (1880-1961), Gessel came up with the idea is that people are born with a set of genes and the genes carries different personalities, so the theorist is stating that behaviour does not to do with environment and what can of people you socialise with but it is to do with the genes the person is born with. This is quite different to the humanistic approach where the effectiveness of nurture is paramount. Gessel believes that as the baby is being formed in the womb of the mother, for example, the heart being first to form. As the child develops the genes allows to flower over the person. The theorist came up with the genetic influences on behaviour idea. He thinks that genes effect behaviour in many ways, some illnesses such as Huntingdon’s disease is caused by the genes caused by the parents genes or the genes from the family. This disorder will change the person’s behaviour, for example, they will speak in appropriately and they will become aggressive.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Andrew Marvell’s – To His Coy Mistress

In Europe, the seventeenth century was a time that was called a part of the Renaissance (meaning rebirth), an era that was so called, because it was a time in which learning and development in every sphere of life occurred. This was prompted in part by the general reawakening to the idea that since life is temporary, one should make the most of one’s life. This is why the carpe diem (‘seize the day’ in Latin) theme frequently occurs in the literature of the seventeenth century. This theme is of central importance in Andrew Marvell’s ‘To His Coy Mistress’ as well as in Robert Herrick’s ‘To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time’, and other than this theme, both poems share a number of similarities. However, there are also striking differences, which contribute to the individual understanding of each poem. Carpe diem referred to all worldly pleasures, but theses two poems are similar in the way they approach this theme. Although ‘seize the day’ could mean all worldly pleasures, both of these poems emphasize sexual pleasure. Thus in Marvell’s poem, the speaker addresses his â€Å"coy† mistress and tells her than in death, her â€Å"long preserved virginity† (Marvell line 28) will â€Å"turn to dust† (29). Similarly, Herrick’s poem is addressed also to â€Å"the Virgins† who are told to â€Å"be not coy† (Herrick line 13). Also, both poems emphasize the pleasure to be gotten in one’s youth, as Herrick’s poem talks of â€Å"Youth† (10), and Marvell’s poem mentions the â€Å"youthful hue† (33). This shows that the speaker in both poems is intent on persuading these women that sexual pleasures are of most importance and are best when enjoyed in youth, and thus to be coy is nothing but wasting time, since life is short. Some comparisons and images are also common to both poems. For example, the image of the sun is used in both poems that time is running out—in lines 5-8 in ‘To the Virgins’, and lines 45-46 in ‘To His Coy Mistress’. Time itself is also personified in both poems; in ‘To the Virgins’, time is referred to as â€Å"Old Time† (2), and ‘To His Coy Mistress’, the speaker tells his mistress of â€Å"Time’s wingà ©d chariot† (22), and urges her to make the most of time, rather than â€Å"languish in his slow-chapped pow’r† (40). Such a use of personification makes it easier to visualize time as a person, under whose forces are all people. Also, both poems compare the ladies to flowers and thus, again, emphasize their transience. In Herrick’s poem, in the first stanza, there is an indirect comparison of the virgins to the flower that â€Å"Tomorrow will be dying† (4). This is evident in line 3, where the flower is not said to be blooming, but â€Å"smil[ing]† (2). In ‘To His Coy Mistress’, the â€Å"youthful hue/Sits on† the mistress â€Å"like morning dew† (33-34), as if she were a flower. Apart from these similarities, the two poems also have significant differences, which contribute to the individual effectiveness of each. For example, ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is addressed to a single lady, and is very descriptive about why and how the speaker and the mistress should enjoy sexual pleasure. This is because the poem aims to persuade the lady into immediate action. On the other hand, ‘To the Virgins’, (as apparent by the title), addresses all ‘Virgins’ and seeks to persuade them to â€Å"go marry† (14) and not delay marriage for later (not an immediate act). Thus, the poem has a song-like quality, brought out by the four short stanzas, as opposed to the long three sections of Marvell’s poem. This song-like quality in ‘To the Virgins’ is also brought about by the a,b,a,b rhyme scheme, and the completeness of the lines. On the other hand, in ‘To His Coy Mistress’, there is and a,a,b,b,c,c rhyme scheme, but the lines are run-on. This lends a conversational air to the poem, which is in keeping with the speaker’s addressing a single lady. Andrew Marvell and Robert Herrick both have used certain similar devices in their poems to bring out themes that are mutual to them. Yet, they have also employed devices which are peculiar to their own poems, and in doing so, have made them works of literature unique and complete in themselves, instead of stereotypical representations of a certain theme. Works Cited Herrick, Robert. â€Å"To the Virgins to Make Much of Time.† 1648. Poems to Remember. Ed. E. F. Kingston. Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons. 1964. 22-23. Marvell, Andrew. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress.† 1681. The Norton Introduction to Literature. 8th ed. Ed. Jerome Be

Friday, September 13, 2019

Integrating Internet Resourses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Integrating Internet Resourses - Essay Example I will also give a quick review about the quality and availability of these resources. I will also make use of the examples and illustrations to analyze how and what different types of internet resources are being used in our teaching and learning processes. I will also try to develop a general understanding about the underutilization or overutilization of these resources. In the end I will also try to identify the type of internet resources which are most needed in my area of field. Integration of military science or history into course The seeds of community college were planted in USA just before the second Civil war in 1862. The intension was that higher education should not just be restricted to the privileged few but it should be available to all. These public universities are supposed to prepare students for careers in engineering, medicine and military services etc. these public institutions prepare the first national work force. These not only helps in meeting community need s but developing critical thinking and help them in choosing a career path for them. (Kent A Phillipe L. G., 2005) E-learning in Higher Education Institutions Recent technological advancements and extensive use of internet has not only (Mapuva, 2009)transformed our businesses but the usage of internet has found inroads into our education system as well. Especially in the higher education there has been unprecedented demand for tertiary education and a no. of students are enrolling for distant learning programs. Internet has become an indispensible and a very important tool of imparting education. Internet has not only transformed the way through which knowledge can be accessed or retained but it has also transformed the basic structure of traditional teaching. It has transformed the ways through which knowledge is disseminated, interaction with the course material and the associated resources. Now every university has to reorganize itself to inculcate e-learning and newer methods of teaching. I as a military instructor although doesn’t approve of distant learning but a strong propagator of integrating other internet resources in the teaching system. Military science and internet resources Internet helps in interacting a large no of educational, research and other related organizations through its extensive academic and research based network linking. Its importance to military science can be understood from the fact that it was first developed as a military network by US department of Defense, originally called APPRANET. In 1989 it was finally decommissioned from military services and was devoted to education and research purposes. (Kumar, 2005) Types of internet resources utilized Internet is the future in research and in planning and facilitating higher education because of ever decreasing funds as well. We can categorize the different internet resources that are available. They are listed below List serves, newsgroup, email discussion groups Federal State and local government Electronic publications Library access catalogues/ literature search Peer comparisons Admissions Fact books, Management information systems, Intranet Policy studies Environmental scanning Professional development Association Higher education Research Online survey All of the above types are generally used in the higher edu

Thursday, September 12, 2019

LITERATURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

LITERATURE - Essay Example While generally the end of the First World War can be regarded as the commencement of the modernist tradition in literature, end of the Second World War marked initiation of the postmodernism. The writers of modernist tradition, after experiencing the radical shift from romantic traditions which also was further worsened by great devastation of the First World War, attempted to develop a holistic approach that they considered to be a matter of great importance to solve the prevailing problems. The postmodernists on the other hand adopted quite a different approach than that of the modernists and emphasized on the evaluation as well as analysis of the different aspects that construct life from in a fragmented manner. Irrespective of the fact that postmodernists derived a great deal of their inspiration from modernist traits of writing, however, their attempt to deal with subjects of novels in a fragmented and highly individualized manner developed the core of postmodernism. Such effor ts not only helped in the genesis of different sub-genres in the 20th Century novel writing tradition but also helped readers to receive more accurate understanding of the social, cultural, political and philosophical scenario of the contemporary time. ... to art and aesthetics of modernist literature, development of popular literature and to which extent these two novels, respectively, have helped in understanding the forms of postmodern existence in a better way. In order to establish the criteria for determining the best novel of 20th Century, it is important to understand both modernism and postmodernism as these two literary and philosophical disciplines have played the most important parts in determining the aesthetics of the century, elaborated the socio-cultural aspects and finally help a reader to understand the relevance of texts with both aesthetics as well as socio-cultural dimensions. The term ‘modernism’ has raised a great deal of debate, dilemma and controversies among critics of literature and such vast is its expanse that quite often it becomes difficult to determine the actual literary-philosophical dimension of the discipline. Thus, critics like Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane, in their efforts to d etermine modernism, have emphasized on two different â€Å"sets of association† (Gupta, 2005, p. 221). In the first set of association they have opined is linked with â€Å"high aesthetic self-consciousness and nonrepresentationalism, in which art turns from realism and humanistic representation towards style, technique, and spatial form in pursuit of a deeper penetration of life †¦.† (Cited in Gupta, 2005, p. 221). This type of association helps in the genesis of experimental and innovative arts and consecutively deconstructs the traditional forms of artistic perception as well as representation in terms of structure, myth and organization. In the second type of association the critics have attempted to elaborate the reasons that resulted in such changes. While on one hand the intellectual dimension

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Program Improvement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Program Improvement - Research Paper Example Therefore, by improving the program, we would be expecting to have a program that is more useful, of higher quality and easier to implement. As a result, we would be increasing the capability of the program to achieve its key objective and goal of ensuring that all education professionals become effective in research undertaking and management. The ‘training the trainers’ program, as earlier proposed, could either use coordinated multidisciplinary units or adapt integrated, interdisciplinary units. However, the effects of these types of units would be different when applied in the program. In our case, the ones that would best serve the needs of the program are the integrated, interdisciplinary units. According to Swango and Steward (2002), an integrated, interdisciplinary unit incorporates the entire core subjects learners need to learn. In this kind of units, an educator administers to learners concepts tailored towards different disciplines. These kinds of units would revolve around different subjects and, thus, they would be involving different concepts that can be applied by all the learners regardless of their field of expertise. There are various reasons that make integrated, interdisciplinary units to serve the needs of this program better than the other types of units. ... This would make all the learners involved in the program gain equally regardless of their area of specialization. Moreover, we can teach several interdisciplinary concepts within a unit. This saves both time and resources while still achieving the required goals and objectives. Therefore using this kind of units in the program would make the process of implementation much easier. However, integrated, interdisciplinary units also have some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that in this kind of units, the concepts taught are unified. This makes it difficult for the learners to distinguish concepts that belong to a specific discipline. Another disadvantage is that in this type of units, learners are taught some concepts that do not fit their area of specialization. Such concepts might not be useful in their professional undertaking hence learning those concepts make no difference in their career. As the program team, we thought that it is better to give people additional inform ation instead of giving them inadequate information. This is why we decided to use this type of units despite knowing these two disadvantages of this type of units. A very good example is a unit designed to teach how to design an educational research. Such kind of unit could include several concepts some of them designing a survey, designing an experiment and designing a psychometric research integrated in one unit. It could also include the moments of how to design a research in different disciplines of education like science education, language education or social sciences education. The unit would integrate different concepts, as well as explain their various applications in different disciplines. As a result, the unit would have a greater capability of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Online games Vs Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Online games Vs Violence - Essay Example Hollingdale & Greitemeyer found that the Chinese adolescents who prefer to play violent games against human opponents online tended to more aggressive and a greater tolerance for anger. This study was carried among 312 Chinese teens who play online video games. In most cases, it is noted that when video game consumers play against human opponents, the levels of gaming experience increases. Thus, the gaming effects tend to increase the gamers emotions and behaviors. Children who grow up playing violent games tend to develop thinking patterns that influence their behaviour. Many people become aggressive when the gaming controls become difficult. This is a reaction caused by the frustrations facing the gamer. Mothers in Hongkong share a different perspective concerning online games. To them, video games have created a modern form to foster child development (Yung). Kenix Chong Wei-peng believes that online games help her daughter burn up excess before retiring to bed (Yung). According to Chong, her daughter has the opportunity to experience different situations through the online games. Her daughter would be ready, and know what to expect when she has the real chance to face the same situations. Apart from the games being part of entertainment, the experts tend to make them educational too. Ann Chow, head of marketing consumer channels in Microsoft Hongkong, believes that the games would encourage kids to develop a positive attitude towards learning (Yung). Players could access the natural world and have a clear understanding of nature, and be conversant with the different languages and environment. In the gaming consoles, the player becomes the character chosen and assumes the skills of that character. As the levels increase, the games become tougher requiring the gamer to utilise and learn more tactics. Each challenge reinforces the player with new information, thus fostering learning (Yung). Most parents argue that

Monday, September 9, 2019

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies - Essay Example The company’s capital market investment performance gives it more financial capital growth. This can allow Milaha to seek opportunities in non-maritime activities. The company’s standardization will save costs, allowing for better capital availability to diversify services to different industrial segments. Milaha is also introducing new innovations in fleet capability that allows for greater service provision including subsea maintenance and firefighting. With growth in capital produced by a strengthening investment portfolio, the company can seek contracts with major oil companies to provide maintenance to oil rigs. The corporate governance team is not fully equipped to understand how to structure a new diversified service business. This weakness, however, can be overcome by practicing benchmarking of other companies in these industry sectors that will build a best practice framework throughout the entire value chain. An existing focus on primarily the Maritime & Logistics business also requires changing mindsets of executives to decentralize the business to provide for more effective collaboration. Divestiture of under-performing assets (such as real estate holdings) could improve the cash position of the business. Standardizing will provide the firm with many cost advantages. Threats of new market entrants that could offer lower pricing will allow Milaha to compete more effectively if price-sensitivity impacts contract procurement. Competitive rivalry is a threat if an emerging competitor becomes a cost leader and economies of scale can be a market barrier if achieved effectively in standardization of processes. New market entrants could make Milaha lose market share. However, the governance board is not familiar with how to develop competitive marketing strategies to build preference for this company’s brand in key pillar divisions. This threat can be overcome by building a governance committee focused on competitor analyses to

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 63

Discussion - Assignment Example Spreadsheet is also very easy to be configured for personal and professional usage (Protiviti, â€Å"Spreadsheet Risk Management†; Rost 1-5). Spreadsheet is an important application for financial as well as operational reporting procedure in organizations. In this context, spreadsheet is applied for different purposes that include account settlement, transaction conclusions and making the business models (Protiviti, â€Å"Spreadsheet Risk Management†). Additionally, it assists in managing the payroll and other related business operations in an effective manner. In the current complex business scenario, spreadsheet is used for managing compliance, risk as well as governance (Rost 1-5). Spreadsheet is also identified to possess certain limitation that can affect the performance of an organization largely. Spreadsheet is unreliable, as unauthorized users can access financial information without an approval, which raises security risk. Error in formulas of the spreadsheet can raise disputes for computing financial information (Rost 1-5). In this context, there should be software related to risk management, which will provide the embedded information with an expert solution. The ‘risk management software’ would manage the risk level associated with spreadsheet. In this respect, spreadsheet with the integration of risk management software would be effective in managing data with better integrity as well as reliability (Rost

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The overriding objectives of a business listed on the London Stock Essay

The overriding objectives of a business listed on the London Stock Exchange - Essay Example One can see the cross check column "Today's Arrangements." In previous the British company's management would propose a dividend about 2 weeks before the AGM and the resultant dividend would publish in the Times. Management that "proposed" the dividend usually approved with the help of vote at the AGM. It is matter to decide that which market is better for trade especially the impact of other market is depend on London Stock Exchange. In market means the instrument. So we can have to know for every up and down in shares or one may has know about the rates of oil markets. For these sense the markets have too much personalities. If one decide to start business of share which has volatile personality, so 500 can be turn into profit or loss very quickly. Another importance part of London Stock Exchange is its strategy. Strategy means that one have to know the tricks to enter and exit from the London Stock Exchange. But there is not any strategy that is a winning strategy. Some people are in that position that they are constant for the "Holy Grail". Most of them hope that this will make them the millions. Most of the highly successful traders who make consistent profits in the markets and all traders in London Stock Exchange have different strategies. So everyone is not successful in t his race of making milliner. There is also possibility of losing all hard earned money of ones life time. If we critically aIf we critically analyze on the London Stock Exchange and its data used init. There is a report published that revealed that the average ratio between highest paid director salary and bonus and average employee pa in the same company grew by 4 per cent between 1994-5 and 1995-6. This takes no account of share option or L-tips which can inflate remuneration considerably. It is the considerable thing for stakeholder model of corporate governance, the comment that the way to build a long term success is depend on investing in long-term relationships with stakeholders based on mutual respect and trust. It is duties of directors that have responsibility to shareholders. It is also the duties of directors' to reflect their obligations to other stakeholder group, including employees, suppliers, customers and shareholders. Director is responsible for taking decision for considering the stakeholder interests. The committees related to London Stock Exchange like Cadbury and the Greenbury put considerable emphasis on the role of non-executive directors (NEDs) in bringing independent judgment to bear the board of company. The NDEs are themselves drawn from very narrow pool many of the chief executives with similar backgrounds and interests. They decided that the nominations should be sought from stakeholder representatives; it can be including trade unions, national federation small business and environmental organizations. In London Stock Exchange listing Rule on confidentiality obligations on mergers. This takeover should be exchange so that it does not conflict with the legal obligation of companies to consult with employee representatives over proposed redundancies. Modern corporate finance has focused on tax, regulation, asymmetric information, and behavioral explanations to illustrate why and how dividend payments affect a firm's value. Whereas theory has produced clear channels by which dividend policy

Friday, September 6, 2019

Qualification Handbook Essay Example for Free

Qualification Handbook Essay Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) October 2011 Version 1. 0 Qualification at a glance Subject area City Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 6302 19+ There are no formal entry requirements. Learners are required to have evidence of level 3 vocational skills for the area in which they will teach if they are to progress into teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS) This qualification is available at levels 3 and 4. Both levels are to be assessed by a combination of assignments (provided) and observation of teaching/training. Simulation (micro-teaching) is permitted for units 003 and 010. Available (see section 2 Centre requirements) Signature Signature Signature Signature 60 City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) Form 2 Assessment front sheet and feedback record PTLLS Level 3/4 This form is mandatory Theory Assessment No: Learner name: Enrolment number: Date issued: Date submitted: I confirm that the evidence for this unit is authentic and a true representation of my own work. Learner signature: Date: Feedback: Continue on a separate sheet if necessary, see overleaf Tutor/Assessor/Marker and IQA’s signatures (IQA if sampled) must be appear on the following page. City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) 61 Feedback: (Continued from previous page) Marker/Tutor/Assessor name: Resubmission date (if referred): IQA’s name (if sampled) Grade Grade Date Date Date 62

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ceremony Analysis Essay Example for Free

Ceremony Analysis Essay In a song called Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes, the lyrics present a crisis in self-identity. â€Å"I was raised up believing I was somehow unique; like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes unique in each way you can see. But now after some thinking, I’d say I’d rather be, a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me. † The lyricist struggles between his desire of individuality and his desire to be a part of a larger organization. As the song continues, he relates his story of learning to be at peace that the purpose of his life is to be a part of his community. Tayo experiences a similar struggle due to his mixed blood. He is torn between the white culture that tells him to only be concerned with personal gain and the traditional Laguna Pueblo belief that all living organisms are a part of one life force. In the same manner that Robin Pecknold of Fleet Foxes discovered his purpose, Leslie Marmon Silko uses a variety of literary features to support her negative treatment of white selfishness to show Tayo’s discovery of his purpose. Silko encourages the reader to view the world in a more connected sense. Leslie Marmon Silko repeatedly uses white characters as symbols to represent the idea of self-interest. Tayo is searching for Josiah’s cattle, which is symbolic for Tayo trying to find a balance between his white and Laguna Pueblo halves. After falling off of his horse, Tayo meets a group of Texans that portray the white stereotype of putting their own personal gain before that of others. After discovering tracks of a mountain lion, the men leave Tayo with one man saying, â€Å"greasers and Indians – we can run them down anytime. But it’s been a couple of years since anybody up here got a mountain lion. pg99 Rather than looking at his town with a sense of togetherness or unity, the white man feels like he has to be the one in his town to catch a mountain lion. He views the mountain lion as lesser than himself and would be willing to kill it to gain recognition. His sense of pride is important to him and he is willing to endanger Tayo’s life to secure his own social success. One aspect of this country that many people love is the American Dream. The prospect of an individual who is able to have the opportunity to acquire whatever he/she wants based solely on their own desire to work inspires any people. The United States of America has always been founded upon the ideal that any one person can acquire as much as they are willing to work to earn. Laguna Pueblo culture however, teaches that men, women, and animals are all one life force that depends on itself for survival. Thus, rendering the concept of working for your own personal benefit useless. When Tayo and Rocky are signing up to fight in World War II, the recruiter first tells them â€Å"Now I know you boys love America as much as we do, but this is your big chance to show it! pg. 64 At first, this seems like the recruiter is highlighting the fact that serving a higher purpose, in this case America, could have a positive outcome for these boys. However, Silko’s use of diction and choice of the words â€Å"your big choice† shows the selfish undertones. Even when trying to recruit men to fight for one common cause, the man must tell them that they can work themselves into a place of higher status. Silko uses a much more positive tone when Laguna Pueblo belief regarding the connected state of nature. Referring to old man Ku’oosh, Silko writes, â€Å"The old man only made him certain of something he had feared all along, something in the old stories. It took only one person to tear away the delicate strands of the web, spilling the rays of the sun into the sand, and the fragile world would be injured. † Pg. 38 Leslie Marmon Silko uses a much more poetic tone when dealing with instances of Laguna Pueblo culture. She uses characters that have been established as wise to tell stories that relate to what Tayo faces in his life. Ku’oosh tells Tayo about the importance of a community by warning him about the dangers of one person going astray. Silko teaches these lessons through wise Laguna Pueblo characters. One of Tayo’s problems is his feeling of empathy. Tayo has a tendency to experience the pain of other people. When Tayo is fighting in World War II, â€Å"Tayo could not pull the trigger. The fever made him shiver, and the sweat was stinging his eyes and he couldn’t see clearly; in that instant he saw Josiah standing there; the face was dark from the sun, and the eyes were squinting as though he were about to smile at Tayo. So Tayo stood there, while they fired at the soldiers, and he watched his uncle fall, and he knew it was Josiah. † Pg. 8 Tayo naturally forms bonds with people. He is able to relate to others and he wants to share that with someone. He was so overcome by emotion seeing his uncle being fired at that he could not do his duty. At the beginning of the novel, Tayo has nobody to receive all of the love that he has to give. Tayo craves a bond with somebody. This is why the characters Ts’eh and Night Swan and their relationships with Tayo are so important. They are symbolic of his connection between people. Silko often teaches lessons in parallel. At the same time that Tayo is learning to come to grips with his role in Laguna Pueblo society, Silko uses the cattle to parallel his life. The cattle are a mixed breed just like Tayo; just like Silko. The cattle are a repeated symbol to Tayo’s life as he tries to rescue them and return them home. â€Å"Cattle are like any living thing. If you separate them from the land for too long, keep them in barns and corrals, they lose something. Their stomachs get to where they can only eat rolled oats and dry alfalfa. When you turn them loose again, they go running all over. They are scared because the land is unfamiliar, and they are lost. † Pg. 74 The description of these cattle mirror Tayo’s life in a multitude of ways. Just like the cattle being separated from the land for too long, Tayo is separated from his Laguna Pueblo culture for much too long while serving in World War II. When he returns home, he has problems with his stomach also. He constantly vomits whenever he thinks about the war as well as drinking to cover the pain, which is symbolic of his purging of white culture. Over the course of Ceremony, Tayo learns a great lesson regarding Laguna Pueblo culture. He grows away from his original white tendencies and learns to conform to Laguna Pueblo culture. At the beginning of the novel, Tayo is concerned with himself. After returning home from the war Tayo is haunted by all of the people that he has interacted with and wants to be freed from those memories. On page 7 it says, â€Å"So Tayo had to sweat through those nights when thoughts became entangled; he had to sweat to think of something that wasn’t unraveled or tied in knots to the past- something that existed by itself, standing alone like a deer. And if he could hold that image of a deer in his mind long enough, his stomach might shiver less and let him sleep for a while. † Tayo begins the novel trying to separate himself from the memories and people of his past. He thinks that the way to escape the memories that haunt him is to attempt to untangle his life from those who were there at that time of his life. As the novel progresses, Tayo learns how to use other people to help him solve his problems rather than viewing them as a setback. Similarly to Tayo, author Leslie Marmon Silko is part white, part Mexican, and part Laguna Pueblo. Tayo’s struggle to find a balance between the two halves of his culture is something that many people can relate to. Silko uses literary devices such as tone and symbolism to show the duality within Tayo that many people feel. Being of mixed blood myself, I understand the difficult balance of trying to identify with others. Tayo learns, however, that a sense of community can be a part of his healing ceremony.